Hope Community Church 2023 Hanover Heights After School Club

Hope Community Church - Kids@HopeCC

Hanover Heights After School Program 2023-2023

Wednesdays, 3:10pm-5pm

We are so glad you're here!

To register for our Hanover Heights ministry, please fill out this form. If you have multiple children, please register each with a separate form. Please feel free to leave any extra details in our notes section.

Hanover Heights program will run Wednesdays after school until 5pm

*This is a FREE Program. However, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

Attendance will be taken.

** We will meet in the Hanover Heights Library, and pick up will happen at the front doors at 5 p.m. **
Student Information:

Please select one option.
Emergency Contact:


Please select one option.
By selecting yes, I hereby grant permission for Hope Community Church to take photographs and or video footage of my child. These photos may be used for website and social media posts.
I, the parent/guardian give permission for my child to participate in Hope Community church after school program at Hanover Heights in Hanover, 2023-2024 and I assume the risks that may accompany such participation. * By clicking "sumbit"  I agree that Hope Community Church, it's directors, employees and Volunteers should not be held liable for any loss, damage or injury to my child or my child's property arising or resulting from participation in the After School program at Hanover Heights. I give Hope Community Church officials the authorization to act on my behalf in the even of an emergency.  This consent and authorization if effective only when participating in or travelling to and from events of Hope Community Church.


Hope Community Church - Kids@HopeCC

Hanover Heights After School Program 2023-2023

Wednesdays, 3:10pm-5pm

We are so glad you're here!

To register for our Hanover Heights ministry, please fill out this form. If you have multiple children, please register each with a separate form. Please feel free to leave any extra details in our notes section.

Hanover Heights program will run Wednesdays after school until 5pm

*This is a FREE Program. However, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!

Attendance will be taken.

** We will meet in the Hanover Heights Library, and pick up will happen at the front doors at 5 p.m. **